Learn how to make soap and natural skincare at home in the Virtual Soap Summit

The Live Soap School Presents  

"More Than Soap" 

The First Virtual Soap Summit

A 2-Day Virtual Summit with 14 leading experts from all corners of the world teaching more than soap including how to make homemade soap, natural skincare at home, leveraging online tools and more

You can make your own soap, lotion, body butters, bath bombs candles and more right at home and we are going to teach you.

More than soap, is the world's first ever Virtual Soap Summit where you will  learn how to make it yourself without leaving the house. Additionally if you are a business owner or aspiring business owner you will develop the skills necessary to build your online business with podcasting, live streaming, online stores and social media. We have a wide array of diverse topics and experienced speakers to keep both beginners and advanced attendees engaged. 

More than soap, 10% of all conference proceeds will go to local organizations of speakers to assist with the Corona Virus efforts. 

Join us and Raise the Bar! More than Soap!

You Don't Even Need to Leave Your House - Attend From Your Computer, Phone or Tablet

Unlike in-person conferences, which are being canceled and postponed due to social distancing.  More than Soap is The First Virtual Soap Summit delivered entirely online to give you the skills to thrive in such a time as this and beyond!

View the schedule
Bath Bombs 101

April 12, 2020, 06:30 PM

Carletta Brown
Bringing Herbs Into Your Life and Business

April 12, 2020, 09:30 PM

Debra Sturdevant
Live Streaming 101

April 11, 2020, 05:30 PM

Zakia Ringgold
High Top Soaps

April 11, 2020, 03:00 PM

Sarah Shepherd

With 14 speakers, the skills you need are just a click away

Our experts will be sharing years of knowledge, easy to follow recipes and advice. If you’re focused on learning how to make soap, candles, lotion, natural skincare or growing your handmade business online we've got you covered. 

Meet the speakers

Meet The Host

Zakia Ringgold


Hi, I'm Zakia.

I created the More Than Soap - Virtual Soap Summit because I was truly disappointed to find several of my favorite training and soap making industry events being canceled and postponed due to Social Distancing. For the past 5 years I have attended and spoken at several conferences all across the United States and credit a large portion of my knowledge and business growth to these experiences.

Additionally I have spent the last 15 years building virtual experiences and online courses for the corporate space and decided to take those skills and apply it to the industry I love - Handmade Natural Skincare.

There is a growing interest in making handmade products...specifically soap and hand sanitizer as the grocery aisles continue to get depleted so I reached out to my favorite soapers and skincare enthusiasts in the industry to put together an unforgettable virtual experience for you at home.

My mission for the Virtual Soap Summit is to raise the bar along with some truly talented handmade skincare artisans. It is my hope that you will be educated, inspired and motivated to discover the craft of handmade soap and to hold a communal space for makers and would-be makers to come together and grow! If you are ready to start making your own natural skincare or to finally start using online tools to grow your handmade business, you're going to find this summit valuable.



Soap Conference