Janae Tyars

Owner | Soap Maker | Graphic Designer, Tyars Essentials Bachelor's of Arts in Multimedia from the University of Advanced Computer Technology

About this speaker

Janae Tyars is the owner of Tyars Essentials Bath & Body. She created her brand 3 years ago, and has recently opened up her first retail location in Norco, CA. She studied graphic design at the University of Advanced Computer Technology in Tempe, AZ, and worked as the assistant art director for Phoenix Home and Garden magazine for three years. After moving to Southern California she began creating her own brand of bath and body products, as well as providing video production and design services. Janae continues to utilize her background in graphic design to provide design services to her fellow soaping community. This allows her to continue to be creative, and build cherished relationships with inspiring artisans.

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Kickstarting Your Retail Dreams

Janae Tyars