Sarah Shepherd
About this speaker
I started making soap years ago with a woman who taught me the basics as well as how to use herbs, weeds, and plants in everyday life. I had stopped for a period of time due to life. I started back up when my sons eczema was so bad nothing else was helping him. I went to different seminars gatherings such as the Old Sage gathering (in New York) Pittsburgh Soapmakers gathering (in Harmony, PA which is where I met Zakia Ringgold our lovely organizer), and attend classes at Candle and Supplies Inc. (in Quakertown, PA). My journey has been very special in my heart and will continue to be. Due to a few situations in my personal life I am unable to work outside the home. So instead of going house crazy I started making soaps and donating soaps to food banks, Ministries, and churches. In total last year I don’t know how much I have donated nor spent. This year my goal is to donate 2020 soaps to New Hope Ministries alone. So far I have donated 475 bars or 126 lbs of soap. I still have a long fun way to go. Any money that I get from doing this seminar I will be putting it towards the purchase of supplies for this cause (and a tank of gas to go get all of it). Please feel free to ask anything you want about soap making. I will answer to the best of my ability. I absolutely love making soap. During my journey I have meet a lot of loving, caring and supportive people within the soaping community. Watching soap nation (aka live soap school) has been one of my favorite inspirations in my journey. I am so sad that this virus is going around and no seminars are being offered anymore due to this virus. I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to show all of you how I make my high top soaps. I am grateful to Zakia for coming up with the idea of having a virtual soap conference.